
  1. Mangrove Jack's Whirlfloc Tablets x10 (was Deltafloc)

    Mangrove Jack's Whirlfloc Tablets x10 (was Deltafloc)

    Mangrove Jack's Whirlfoc Tablets x10. Whirlfloc is an extract of red seaweed specifically formulated to coagulate unstable proteins in brewery worts. Each tablet is sufficient for 19L and should be added to your wort 15 minutes before the end of the boil.
  2. Yeast nutrient (50g) bulk Yeast nutrient (50g) bulk

    Yeast nutrient (50g) bulk

    This blend contains nutrients and minerals which include: Zinc, Phosphorous, Potassium and Manganese.
    Designed to ensure correction of nutrient deficiencies in wort.

  3. Mangrove Jack's Calcium Carbonate 100g

    Mangrove Jack's Calcium Carbonate 100g

    Mangrove Jack's Calcium Carbonate 100g
  4. Mangrove Jack's Calcium Sulphate 100g

    Mangrove Jack's Calcium Sulphate 100g

    Mangrove Jack's Calcium Sulphate 100g.

    Calcium Sulphate is an important mineral for its effect on mash and wort pH. Used to harden water when brewing ales and bitters.
  5. Mangrove Jack's Dry Enzyme Sachet 3g Mangrove Jack's Dry Enzyme Sachet 3g

    Mangrove Jack's Dry Enzyme Sachet 3g

    Used for making drier, lower carb beer styles. Add with the yeast to break down more of the malt sugars which allows the yeast to ferment them for a lower carb, drier beer. 

  6. Mangrove Jack's Isinglass Finings 1L

    Mangrove Jack's Isinglass Finings 1L

    Used to improve clarity for crystal clear beer and wine. Will also remove unwanted compounds resulting in smoother flavour. Sufficient for 250L of beer or wine.
  7. Yeast nutrient (10g) (WW)

    Yeast nutrient (10g) (WW)

    Yeast Nutrients by WilliamsWarn. Recommended for cider making - good for one 23l batch. Also helpful for strong beers (10%+)
  8. Whirlfloc Tablets (10 per pack) Whirlfloc Tablets (10 per pack)

    Whirlfloc Tablets (10 per pack)

    Whirlfloc Tablets are kettle finings that are added to the boil. They are made from an enhanced blend of Irish Moss and purified carrageenan that aids in the coagulation and settling of haze-producing proteins and beta glucans.
    Out of Stock
  9. White Labs WLE4000 Clarity Ferm / finings

    White Labs WLE4000 Clarity Ferm / finings

    A highly specific endoprotease that prevents chill haze in beer by hydrolyzing haze-active polypeptides where the hydrogen bonding that causes chill haze occurs.
    For use at the beginning of fermentation; made with DSM Brewers Clarex®.

    As a side effect, Clarity-Ferm has been also found to reduce gluten in beer made with barley.

    Add when pitching yeast.

  10. Calcium Chloride - 200g Calcium Chloride - 200g

    Calcium Chloride - 200g

    Calcium Chloride is used in de-mineralized or soft to medium hard water to increase permanent hardness. Used as directed, Calcium Chloride is effective in eliminating the variations in composition often encountered in water from surface sources. It will help establish proper pH of the mash and the wort and provide sufficient calcium ions essential for enzyme function, kettle protein coagulation and yeast metabolism.