Dark Lagers

  1. The League "Ein-Stein" - Munich Dunkel Recipe Kit (All Grain)

    The League "Ein-Stein" - Munich Dunkel Recipe Kit (All Grain)

    1 Review(s)

    This recipe has been designed to be consistent with the 2021 BJCP Style guide 8A-Munich Dunkel.

    Ein-Stein is a Munich Dunkel recipe designed for The League of Brewers by Jamie McQuillan of Cell Division Brewery.

    It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this dark European lager originates from. It hails from Munich in Germany way back in the 1830’s, coinciding with the development of Munich malt.  As it turns out, Gladfield malt here in NZ makes some very fine Munich malt of their own. If you haven’t tried it then this a great recipe to give it a whirl as the base malt.

    Munich Dunkels are great mid-strength drinking. They present deep coppery brown and malty with toasted bread notes, hints of chocolate and caramel and a notable absence of roasty burnt notes. They are medium in body but with no cloying sweetness and a gentle bittering that makes for a smooth rich and nourishing lager. For the more adventurous brewer, this recipe is an ideal place to try out your skills with decoction mashing. The option of a simple double decoction approach is included in the instructions to get you started, after which you might want to explore the possibility of a more intensive triple decoction to further develop those deep malty flavours. Experiment and have fun, it’s definitely not quantum physics. Prost!