
  1. Fermentis Saflager S-189 lager yeast

    Fermentis Saflager S-189 lager yeast

    Originating from the Hürlimann brewery in Switzerland. This lager strain’s attenuation profile allows to brew fairly neutral flavor beers with a
    high drinkability.

    FERMENTATION: ideally 12-15°C

  2. Fermentis Safale K-97 ale yeast

    Fermentis Safale K-97 ale yeast

    Fermentis Safale K-97 is a German ale yeast selected for low esters and its ability to form a large firm head when fermenting. Suitable to brew ales with low esters and can be used for Belgian type wheat beers.

    FERMENTATION: ideally 15-20°C

  3. Rakau Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Rakau Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    A dual purpose variety typically with alpha acid above 10% and cohumulone less than 25% of alpha acids. Can be used for multiple additions with late hop character delivering tropical fruit aromas of passionfruit and peach. Quite high levels of oil with an H/C ratio typical of classical aroma varieties. The alpha acid content of hops will vary from batch to batch and may vary from the amount shown in the picture.
  4. Dr Rudi Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    A very versatile hop in the brew house where it can be used to deliver a very crisp bitter edge on the back palate as well as excellent aroma qualities. Like most New Zealand varieties the exceptional oil profile sets it apart as a hop with many applications.
  5. Southern Cross Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Southern Cross Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Used for first addition bittering this hop has no pretence at substitution for noble type. A kettle variety of the highest order Southern Cross imparts a soft bitterness with a subtle resinous quality. The essential oil component is such that it can deliver a delicate balance of citrus and spice when added toward the end of boil. Generally selected for its consistency in mainstream Lagers this hop has also ventured into the craft market as a reliable Brewpub mainstay.
  6. Kohatu Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Kohatu Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Released in 2011, Kohatu® is a relatively new hop grown in New Zealand. It is a big aroma hop with intense floral characters of pine needles and tropical fruit and displays great quality of bitterness and well rounded fruity hop characters.
  7. Pacific Jade Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Pacific Jade Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Suited for use as a bittering hop with some excellent results also being seen in dual purpose applications, with a soft bitterness attributable to the low cohumulone. The citrus aroma and flavour notes work well to temper malt sweetness in “fullish” Ales especially when used moderately as a finishing hop. Pacific Jade™ is also well suited to balance dryer Lager styles when employed as an “up-front” kettle addition to showcase its bittering qualities.

  8. Willamette Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Willamette Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    NZ Willamette Hops is an aroma variety with a mid alpha acid content at 7.0%-9.0%.

    Although Willamette can contribute good bittering, NZ Willamette dominates its usage for its flavour and aroma. This results in a delicate peppery herbaceous spice that has both fruit and floral essence. This translates well into most beer styles and can be used in Stouts through to Pale ales and lagers. In big hoppy beers Willamette also pairs well with other citrusy hops.

  9. Waimea Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Waimea Hops - Pellets (NZ)

    Waimea™ is a new New Zealand variety (2012), originally bred for high alpha and bittering qualities, but it is really a dual-use hop. It’s fresh-crushed citrus and understated pine characteristics are very prominent despite its high alpha content. It is useful across many different beer styles.
  10. Lallemand Diamond Lager Yeast

    Lallemand Diamond Lager Yeast

    Diamond Lager yeast is a true lager strain originating in Germany. Chosen for its robust character, Diamond Lager yeast delivers excellent fermentation performance, and has the ability to  produce clean, authentic lagers. Traditional styles brewed with the Diamond include but are not  limited to Munich Helles, Dortmunder Export, German Pilsner, Bohemian Pilsner, American Pilsner,  Vienna Lager, Oktoberfest/Märzen, Dark American Lager, Munich Dunkel, Schwarzbier, Traditional Bock, Doppelbock, Eisbock and California Common.

    Full product details are available from Lallemand