Hop Pellets

Rakau Hops - Pellets (NZ)


  • Rakau Hops - Pellets (NZ)-100g: In Stock
  • Rakau Hops - Pellets (NZ)-200g: Sold Out
  • Rakau Hops - Pellets (NZ)-50g: In Stock

Rakau Hops - Pellets (NZ) is available for purchase in increments of 1

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A dual purpose variety typically with alpha acid above 10% and cohumulone less than 25% of alpha acids. Can be used for multiple additions with late hop character delivering tropical fruit aromas of passionfruit and peach. Quite high levels of oil with an H/C ratio typical of classical aroma varieties.

The alpha acid content of hops will vary from batch to batch and may vary from the amount shown in the picture.


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