Hop Pellets

Dr Rudi Hops - Pellets (NZ)

Availability: Out of Stock



Originally known as “Super Alpha” but renamed as Dr Rudi to honour Dr Rudi Roborgh, considered to be the father of NZ hop cultivation.

This triploid variety was bred from the New Zealand Smoothcone variety cross open pollinated at the New Zealand Horticultural Research Centre (now known as HortResearch) and released in 1976.

Generally selected now for its dual-purpose ability the Super Alpha was at one time only considered as an Alpha variety. Selectors note a slight fresh grassiness beneath a mix of aromas such as pine needles and lemongrass when if used as a late addition will become quite evident in the finished beer.

Brewer’s notes:
A very versatile hop in the brew house where it can be used to deliver a very crisp bitter edge on the back palate as well as excellent aroma qualities. Like most New Zealand varieties the exceptional oil profile sets it apart as a hop with many applications. A mainstay in the New Zealand Brewing industry since the mid 1970s' the Super Alpha can now be found in breweries throughout the Asia Pacific region where it is sought for its ability to integrate and finely balance many regional Ales and Lagers.
"A really super hop"

Used in Lagers and Ales where its slight resinous character builds to develop an excellent bitterness. Mixes well with aroma varieties to create first rate new-world and classic beer styles.

The alpha acid content of hops will vary from batch to batch and may vary from the amount shown in the picture.


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