Parts and Accessories

  1. Grainfather Propylene Glycol 3L

    Grainfather Propylene Glycol 3L

    To keep the Grainfather Glycol Chiller operating at its best, we recommend replacing the glycol/water mixture every 6 months. Enough to completely refill the Glycol Chiller and connect up to 4 Conical Fermenters, this food grade propylene glycol will keep the chiller running at its best, providing you with efficient cooling for your fermenters.

  2. Dosing Pistol

    Dosing Pistol

    This handy little device enables you to add clarifier / finings to your beer that is in a pressurised fermenter. You can add your claifier / finings to your beer with no exposure to oxygen whilst still under pressure.

  3. FermZilla Tri-Conical - 2" x 2" Tri-Clamp Butterfly Valve FermZilla Tri-Conical - 2

    FermZilla Tri-Conical - 2" x 2" Tri-Clamp Butterfly Valve

    Compatible with any 2 Inch tri-clamp fitting. Primarily designed for the:
    FermZilla 2" Tri-Clamp Lid
    - in conjunction with the 2" Tri-Clamp Hop Bong

    If you are looking to put your FermZilla Tri-Conical / All Rounder in a Fermentation Chamber / Fridge, you will want to allow 420mm measured from the base of the ring collar to a comfortable level to pull the pressure relief valve to purge oxygen from the hop bong.

  4. FermZilla Kriger Hop Bong Upgrade Kit FermZilla Kriger Hop Bong Upgrade Kit

    FermZilla Kriger Hop Bong Upgrade Kit

    Named purely on its looks and not its function. The Hop Bong is a versatile pressurisable tri-clamp accessory, capable of not only dry hopping oxygen purged hops into fermenters but also as an inline carbonation/oxygenation accessory.

    This is an upgrade kit for existing FermZilla Tri-Conical and All Rounder fermenters. Only compatible with the 2" Tri-Clamp Adapted Pressure Lid.

  5. FermZilla 2" Tri-Clamp Lid

    FermZilla 2" Tri-Clamp Lid

    Upgrade your FermZilla All Rounder or Tri-Conical fermenter with the new 2 Inch Tri-Clover Lid from Kegland. Add yeast, hops or even take samples from a wine thief from the top and not have to remove the entire lid.

    This particular lid was designed in order to suit a growing number of customers dry hopping without exposing the batch to oxygen from opening the lid. By using this lid in conjunction with the FermZilla 2" Butterfly Valve and Hop Bong Kit, you would be able to purge CO2 into the tube and expel all the oxygen around it and dump freely into the vessel.

  6. Thermowell - Weldless, Multiple Sizes

    Thermowell - Weldless, Multiple Sizes

    A stainless steel thermowell for temperature probes. Designed for Ss Brew Tech products but the universal weldless design can be used with other fermenters.

    - Brewer's Grade 304 Ss
    - Installs into 17mm punched / drilled hole
    - 6.5 mm inner diameter of tube opening

    Available in these sizes:
    - 100mm
    - 200mm
    - 300mm

    Includes one o-ring.

  7. 60cm Thermowell - 1/4inch Duotight Bulkhead Included 60cm Thermowell - 1/4inch Duotight Bulkhead Included

    60cm Thermowell - 1/4inch Duotight Bulkhead Included

    This thermowell fits into any 8mm Hole and can literally be installed into almost any fermenter lid.

  8. FTSs Controller Mounting Bracket FTSs Controller Mounting Bracket

    FTSs Controller Mounting Bracket

    A mounting bracket for Ss Brewtech fermenters. Mounts to the vessel's thermowell port for all Chronical fermenters and standard Brite Tanks, or to the tri-clamp bracket for Unitanks and Brewmaster Brite Tanks. - Custom tooled shelf for FTSs controllers - Thermowell Bracket is matte black - Tri-Clamp Bracket is 304 Stainless From: Ss Brewtech
  9. FermZilla Plastic Pressure Kit

    FermZilla Plastic Pressure Kit

    FermZilla Plastic Pressure Kit - suits both 27L, 55L FermZilla and All rounder fermenters.


  10. Spunding Valve KIT (with push in gauge) 15psi

    Spunding Valve KIT (with push in gauge) 15psi

    This is a must have product if you own a FermZilla or Fermentasaurus and would like to ferment under pressure. With this you can regulate the pressure & therefore carbonation of your fermenter/beer by adjusting the maximum pressure you want it to contain.

    Watch this video on assembly & operation details:

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