

This handy little dosing device enables you to add clarifier / finings to your beer that is in a pressurised fermenter or keg. You can add your claifier / finings to your beer with no exposure to oxygen whilst still under pressure.

Can also be used in any non pressurised fermenter where you are wanting to keep oxygen at bay - keeping your beer fresher and tastier for longer!

Works really well with Brewclear

Can also be used to add extracts or flavouring additions. 


1x Yellow Carbonation and Line Cleaning Cap

1x Red Carbonation and Line Cleaning Cap

1x Carbonation Cap Tee

1x Capsule - 40ml

0.15m Siphon hose 6mm inner diameter, 9mm outer diameter

Here's a video
of Dan using the Dosing Pistol.

Note: this kit will need to be assembled

We recommend cutting off the stem off the red carbonation cap - see video above for details.


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