
  1. Bestmalz Heidelberg Malt

    Bestmalz Heidelberg Malt

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)

    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg. 
    *Note: 25kg bulk orders will not be milled, you will need your own grain mill. View our range of grain mills here.

    A premium Pilsner malt, BEST Heidelberg is made using special, two-row barley variety that tends to create less color during the malting process. BEST Heidelberg is suited to particularly pale beers and is similar to the Weyermann Premium Pilsner malt. The malt has a slightly lower protein content than a classic Pilsen Malt from the corresponding crop year, but with a high extract value and very high enzyme activity.

    Base malt for Pale Ales, Pale Premium Pilsner and Pilsner beers, ‘light’ beers, as enzyme-rich and light-colored basis for all beer styles.

    Recommended Quantities: Up to 100% of total grain bill

    EBC: up to 2.9

  2. Bestmalz Munich Malt

    Bestmalz Munich Malt

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)

    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.
    *Note: 25kg bulk orders will not be milled, you will need your own grain mill. View our range of grain mills here.

    BEST Munich intensifies the mouth feel and malty flavor of amber to dark beers in a pleasant way. Even a small amount in the grain bill gives the beer a typical malty note. BEST Munich is therefore ideally suited to enhancing the body of very highly fermented beers. Due to the generally higher levels of protein in this malt, the higher its concentration in the grain bill, the better the foam of the beers brewed with it.

    Base malt for all dark beers, Export, Märzen, Alt, wheat beers, Bocks and Brown Ale.

    Recommended Quantities: Up to 100% of total grain bill

    EBC: 11-20

  3. Bestmalz Pilsen Malt

    Bestmalz Pilsen Malt

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)

    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.
    *Note: 25kg bulk orders will not be milled, you will need your own grain mill. View our range of grain mills here.

    Bestmalz Pilsen malt is used either alone or together with other malts, it is the perfect base malt for all kinds of exceptional and flavor-some beers.
    Base malt for all beers, Premium Pilsner and Pilsner beers, Export, Kölsch, Lager, Helles, light beers, and as a base malt for almost all beer styles.

  4. Gladfield Biscuit malt

    Gladfield Biscuit malt

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)

    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.

    Gladfield Biscuit malt is made by gently roasting kilned dried ale malt. The resulting malt is ideal in small amounts for Light/Mild Ales and Bitters to give a dry finish to the beer with out too much colour.
    EBC 40 to 80

    Gladfield Malt's recommended malt substitutions:
    For 1kg of Bairds Amber malt, replace with 1.8kg Gladfield Biscuit malt instead.
    AKA Victory malt.

  5. Gladfield Peat Smoked malt - Heavy Gladfield Peat Smoked malt - Heavy

    Gladfield Peat Smoked malt - Heavy

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)

    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.
    *Note: 25kg bulk orders will not be milled, you will need your own grain mill. View our range of grain mills here.

    To create Gladfield’s Peat Smoked Malt, our wonderful Distillers Malt is smoked in our in-house smoker using 100% New Zealand peat. The resulting malt is infused with a traditional mild, soft earthy flavour with phenols 40+ppm. This malt is primarily suited for making single malt whisky but is also great when used to flavour Scotch ales or darker maltier beers.

  6. Gladfield Flaked Barley Gladfield Flaked Barley

    Gladfield Flaked Barley

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)
    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.

    Flaked Barley is barley grains that have been steamed and rolled to gelatinize their starches, making them accessible for conversion to sugars. Because the grain is un-malted, it does not possess the enzymes required for this conversion by itself and it must be mashed with malted grains.
    Flaked barley adds a rich, smooth, grainy flavor to your beer. It is high in protein and beta glucans. As a result, it will improve the body, head formation and retention of your beer. However, it can also increase the haze potential.
    Flaked Barley can be up to 20 percent of your grist.
  7. Gladfield Dark Chocolate Malt Gladfield Dark Chocolate Malt

    Gladfield Dark Chocolate Malt

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)
    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.

    Gladfield Chocolate malt is dark in colour and light on astringency due to a unique roasting technique. It has lovely coffee/chocolate aromas and is a big hit with Porter and Stout drinkers!
    Moisture (%) Max <3
    Extract (dry) Range 71 – 73%
    Colour Range EBC 1200 – 1400
    Gladfield Malt's recommended malt substitutions:

    For 1kg of Weyermann Carafa Special Type 2 malt, replace with 1.1kg Gladfield Dark Chocolate malt instead.
  8. Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt

    Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)
    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.

    Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt is a lighter version of Gladfield's chocolate malt. Produced in the same way and roasted to a lower temperature and lighter colour. This malt has fantastic roasted and espresso coffee like flavours. A great addition to stouts and porters.
    Moisture (%) Max <3
    Extract (dry) Range 71 – 73%
    Colour Range EBC 850 – 1100
    Gladfield Malt's recommended malt substitutions:

    For 1kg of Weyermann Carafa Special Type 1 malt, replace with 1kg Gladfield Light Chocolate malt instead.
    For 1kg of Bairds Pale Chocolate malt, replace with 1kg Gladfield Light Chocolate malt instead.
  9. Gladfield Brown Malt

    Gladfield Brown Malt

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)
    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.

    Gladfield Brown malt is a stronger version of the biscuit malt but made from green chitted malt. This allows good colour build up with out the astringency from husk damage. This malt will impart a dry biscuity flavour to the beer along with nice amber colour. Ideal in Porters, Stouts, Dark Ales or Dunkels in careful amounts.
    Moisture (%) Max <3.5
    Extract (dry) Range 71 – 74%
    Colour Range EBC 150 – 200

    Gladfield Malt's recommended malt substitutions:
    For 1kg of Thomas Fawcetts Brown malt, replace with 1kg Gladfield Brown malt instead.
    For 1kg of Bairds Brown malt, replace with 0.8kg Gladfield Brown malt instead.
  10. Gladfield Roasted Barley

    Gladfield Roasted Barley

    (bulk product - please select amount on product page)

    This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.

    This product is used in the production of dry or bitter Stouts and other dark beers, or for the careful adjustment of Pilsen beer colours.
    Roasted Barley, as the name suggests, is made from unmalted barley. It has a slightly darker colour than our Gladfield Chocolate Malt range and is ideally suited for use in a Dry Stout. Roasted Barley adds a lovely rich roast flavour and dark espresso like flavours to brewed beer. Like all roasted malts, it should be used fresh to get the best out of it.