Wyeast - Brettanomyces Lambicus - Strain 5526
Species: Brettanomyces bruxellensis
Profile: This is a wild yeast strain isolated from Belgian lambic beers. It produces a pie cherry-like flavor and sourness along with distinct “Brett” character. A pellicle may form in bottles or casks. To produce the classic Belgian character, this strain works best in conjunction with other yeast and lactic bacteria. It generally requires 3-6 months of aging to fully develop flavor characteristics.
Metric Temperature Range: 15-24 °C
Flocculation: Medium
ABV: 12
Notes: This Wyeast strain is known by it's old nomenclature, Brettanomyces lambicus, while rapid PCR analysis confirms that genetically it is Brettanomyces bruxellensis. This strain remains known as B. lambicus because of the name's historical relevance and unique profile.
IN-STOCK YEAST: We maintain stock of high-selling liquid yeasts in the shop, to make it easy for anyone who needs liquid yeast in a hurry. These will always be sold within the best before date. If a strain is out of stock, then it won't show up as an option for you to purchase. If you want the freshest liquid yeast, or if we are out of stock, consider using the pre-order option. Pre-ordered yeasts are ordered directly from the manufacturer on your behalf and we do not use in-stock yeast to fulfil pre-orders.
PREORDER DEADLINE: Every 2 months we place a liquid yeast order with Wyeast. All pre-orders placed will be part of our next order from the supplier, subject to the supplier having your pre-ordered strain in stock.
We place our orders on or after the 20th of the month. The deadline to ensure your pre-order is included is midnight the day before.
All pre-orders will be available for pickup or shipping after we receive the yeast which is usually around the first week of the month.
*Note: we will ship your order when your yeast arrives, so if you wish to place an order for other items and want to receive them sooner, please place a separate order.
Wyeast - Lactobacillus Buchneri - Strain 5335
Species: Lactobacillus buchneri
Profile: This culture produces moderate levels of acidity and is commonly found in many types of beers including gueuze, lambics, sour brown ales and Berliner Weisse. It is always used in conjunction with S. cerevisiae and often with various wild yeast. Use in wort or beer below 10 IBU is recommended due to the culture’s sensitivity to hop compounds.
Metric Temperature Range: 15-35 °C
ABV: 9
IN-STOCK YEAST: We maintain stock of high-selling liquid yeasts in the shop, to make it easy for anyone who needs liquid yeast in a hurry. These will always be sold within the best before date. If a strain is out of stock, then it won't show up as an option for you to purchase. If you want the freshest liquid yeast, or if we are out of stock, consider using the pre-order option. Pre-ordered yeasts are ordered directly from the manufacturer on your behalf and we do not use in-stock yeast to fulfil pre-orders.
PREORDER DEADLINE: Every 2 months we place a liquid yeast order with Wyeast. All pre-orders placed will be part of our next order from the supplier, subject to the supplier having your pre-ordered strain in stock.
We place our orders on or after the 20th of the month. The deadline to ensure your pre-order is included is midnight the day before.
All pre-orders will be available for pickup or shipping after we receive the yeast which is usually around the first week of the month.
*Note: we will ship your order when your yeast arrives, so if you wish to place an order for other items and want to receive them sooner, please place a separate order.
Wyeast - Pediococcus Damnosus - Strain 5733
Species: Pediococcus damnosus
Profile: Lactic acid bacteria used in the production of Belgian style beers where additional acidity is desirable. Often found in gueuze and other Belgian style beer. Acid production will increase with storage time. It may also cause “ropiness” and produce low levels of diacetyl with extended storage time.
Metric Temperature Range: 15-35 °C
ABV: 9
IN-STOCK YEAST: We maintain stock of high-selling liquid yeasts in the shop, to make it easy for anyone who needs liquid yeast in a hurry. These will always be sold within the best before date. If a strain is out of stock, then it won't show up as an option for you to purchase. If you want the freshest liquid yeast, or if we are out of stock, consider using the pre-order option. Pre-ordered yeasts are ordered directly from the manufacturer on your behalf and we do not use in-stock yeast to fulfil pre-orders.
PREORDER DEADLINE: Every 2 months we place a liquid yeast order with Wyeast. All pre-orders placed will be part of our next order from the supplier, subject to the supplier having your pre-ordered strain in stock.
We place our orders on or after the 20th of the month. The deadline to ensure your pre-order is included is midnight the day before.
All pre-orders will be available for pickup or shipping after we receive the yeast which is usually around the first week of the month.
*Note: we will ship your order when your yeast arrives, so if you wish to place an order for other items and want to receive them sooner, please place a separate order.
White Labs PurePitch® Next Generation WLP645 Brettanomyces claussenii
Originally isolated from strong English stock beer in the early 20th century, this yeast has low-intensity Brettanomyces character and is closely related to Brettanomyces anomalus. This strain produces fruity, pineapple-like aroma with an earthy hay-like background aroma and aroma note.
Out of Stock -
White Labs PurePitch® Next Generation WLP648 Brettanomyces bruxellensis Trois Vrai
The vrai (“true” in French) Brettanomyces bruxellensis Trois. This infamous strain should be used for primary fermentations due to its ability to highly attenuate. It has a robust, complex sour character with aromas of pear.
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White Labs PurePitch® Next Generation WLP650 Brettanomyces bruxellensis
A classic strain used for secondary fermentation in Belgian-style beers such as lambics. It creates a medium-intensity, earth-forward character in finished beer. A historic brewery in Belgium uses this yeast in secondary fermentation and bottling to produce the signature flavor of its beer. Brettanomyces bruxellensis yeast allows for the development of its signature "barnyard" flavor, a favorite of many home and professional brewers alike.
Out of Stock -
White Labs PurePitch® Next Generation WLP653 Brettanomyces lambicus
This yeast produces a high intensity of the traditional Brettanomyces characters in beer, such as horsey, smoky and spicy flavors. As the name suggests, this strain is found most often in lambic style beers but is also commonly found in Flanders and sour brown ales.
Out of StockWhite Labs PurePitch® Next Generation WLP661 Pediococcus damnosus
Perfect for use in any sour program, this is a cocci bacteria known for its souring capabilities through the production of lactic acid. It is a high diacetyl producer and slow growing, so it’s suggested to use in a mixed culture.
Out of StockWhite Labs PurePitch® Next Generation WLP672 Lactobacillus brevis
This is a rod-shaped Lactobacillus bacteria used for souring beers through either traditional or kettle souring techniques. This strain typically produces more lactic acid than strains like WLP677 Lactobacillus delbrueckii, making it an ideal addition to any sour program.
Suggested to keep wort under 5-10 IBUs. Recommended usage is below 107°F (40°C).
Out of StockWhite Labs PurePitch® Next Generation WLP675 Malolactic Culture
Malolactic fermentation is the conversion of malic acid to lactic acid by bacteria from the lactic acid bacteria family. Lactic acid is less acidic than malic acid, which in turn decreases acidity and helps to soften and/or round out some of the flavors in wine.
Out of Stock