Dry Yeast

  1. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M47 Belgian Abbey (10g)

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M47 Belgian Abbey (10g)

    Moderately alcohol tolerant with fewer phenols than Belgian Ale, this yeast is exceptionally fruity with hugely complex esters and is highly flocculant.

    Suitable for Belgian Pale Ales and Abbey Ales.

  2. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M42 - New World Strong Ale (10g)

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M42 - New World Strong Ale (10g)

    A top - fermenting ale strain suitable for many types of ales of all strengths. Ferments with a neutral yeast aroma to ensure the full character of the malts and hops are prominent in each beer. Suitable for IPAs, Porters, Russian Imperial Stouts and more.
  3. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M36 Liberty Bell Ale (10g)

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M36 Liberty Bell Ale (10g)

    A top fermenting ale yeast suitable for a wide variety of hoppy and distinctive style beers. This strain produces light, delicate fruity esters and helps to develop malt character. Suitable for both English and American Pale Ales, Extra Special Bitters, Golden Ales and more.
  4. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M31 Belgian Tripel (10g)

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M31 Belgian Tripel (10g)

    Provides a fantastic complex marriage of spice, fruity esters, phenolics and alcohol. It is also very attenuative with a high alcohol tolerance making it perfect for a range of Belgian styles. Suitable for Belgian Tripel and Trappist style beers.
  5. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M21 Belgian Wit (10g)

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M21 Belgian Wit (10g)

    A traditional top-fermenting yeast that has a good balance between fruity esters and warming spice phenolics. The yeast will leave some sweetness and will drop bright if left long enough.

    Suitable for Witbier, Grand Cru, Spiced Ales and other specialty beers.

  6. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast - Versa Lager M24

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast - Versa Lager M24

    A bottom-fermenting neutral lager strain that thrives across a wide temperature range. This yeast strain is reliable and as the name suggests, is remarkably versatile.
  7. Lallemand LalBrew Pomona - Modern Hybrid IPA Yeast

    Lallemand LalBrew Pomona - Modern Hybrid IPA Yeast

    LalBrew Pomona™ is a hybrid yeast that was selected for flavor and fermentation performance in hoppy beers. Named after the goddess of fruit trees, LalBrew Pomona™ produces a unique and juicy flavor profile with notes of peach, citrus, and tropical fruits.

    This strain was developed by Lallemand and Escarpment Laboratories (Canada) using advanced yeast breeding and adaptive laboratory evolution in high ABV and highly hopped IPA fermentations. The result is a fruity, stress-tolerant, and robust strain that enhances biotransformation and haze for modern IPA styles.

    Beer styles:
    American Amber Ale, American Barleywine, American Brown Ale, American IPA, American Pale Ale, American Wheat, Berliner Weiss, Blonde Ale, Cream Ale, Dry Stout, Gose, Imperial IPA, Kettle Sours, New England IPA, New England Pale Ale, Robust Porter, Russian Imperial Stout, Session IPA

  8. White Labs WLP066 London Fog Ale Yeast (DRY YEAST) 11G

    White Labs WLP066 London Fog Ale Yeast (DRY YEAST) 11G

    WLP066 is now available as a Dry Yeast offering brewers a convenient and accessible new way to experience its best-selling yeast strain!

    London Calling! White Labs is excited to bring you WLP066 London Fog Yeast®, the most popular strain for Hazy/Juicy IPAs. This strain will deliver pineapple and ruby red grapefruit aromas, with hop balance and some residual sweetness resulting in a velvety mouthfeel. Take your IPA to the next level with London Fog® Today!

  9. White Labs WLP001 California Ale Yeast (DRY YEAST) 11G White Labs WLP001 California Ale Yeast (DRY YEAST) 11G

    White Labs WLP001 California Ale Yeast (DRY YEAST) 11G

    WLP001 is now available as a Dry Yeast offering brewers a convenient and accessible new way to experience its best-selling yeast strain!

    WLP001 is famous for its clean flavors and hardy fermentations and is known for its use in hoppy beers. It accentuates hop flavors and aromas and attenuates well, even for high gravity beers. A higher than average attenuation leads to drier beers as well as medium flocculation to leave a clean and crisp beer. With a healthy pitch and yeast, WLP001 is also quick at reabsorbing diacetyl. 

    Out of Stock
  10. Lallemand LalBrew Novalager - Lager Yeast

    Lallemand LalBrew Novalager - Lager Yeast

    LalBrew NovaLager™ is a true bottom fermenting Saccharomyces pastorianus hybrid from the novel Group III (Renaissance) lineage that has been selected to produce clean lager beers with distinct flavor characteristics and superior fermentation performance.

    Attenuation: 78% - 84%