Prophecy Pale Ale Recipe Kit

The League "Prophecy" - Pale Ale Recipe Kit (All Grain)

Availability: Out of Stock



This recipe would have been designed to be consistent with the 2021 BJCP Style guide, but there isn’t one for an Extra Pale Ale (XPA). Never fear though, Jamie McQuillan from Cell Division designed this recipe drawing on plenty of the good examples he has tried on his beer drinking and brewing journey long before he turned all funky on us!

XPA’s fall loosely under the category of American Pale Ale 18A, but expect an extra pale beer with a stripped back malt backbone allowing the hops to shine. Less bitter than an IPA, but somewhat akin to an IPA with a leaner malt backbone. An easy drinking hoppy summer crusher. Sounds a bit like a NZ Pilsner right? Well, how about a NZ XPA?

Jamie thought this would be the perfect vehicle for an extra special recent delivery of Kohia from Freestyle Hops. Kohia is their latest botanical blend combining Nelson Sauvin and Rakau with dried NZ passionfruit. This all adds up to a delicious, power-charged NZ XPA. It could be the next big thing! Get ahead of the pack and add a Prophecy Pale Ale kit to your shopping cart now.

This recipe assumes correct mineral additions for pH calculations, which are not included in the kit. Please purchase these separately.

Our kits are fresh! We assemble the ingredients after you place your order. The grain bill will be milled, unless you tell us in your order comments that you prefer it not to be.

Links to recipe files

23L Kit

Links to BeerXML files (import into any brewing software i.e. Grainfather App, Beersmith or Brewfather)

23L Kit


Customer Reviews

2 Reviews "The League "Prophecy" - Pale Ale Recipe Kit (All Grain)"

Passionfruity and crispy
Brew dude 13 August 2024 This has to be the best Xpa I've brewed in years. Got this passionfruit background with tropical and citrus notes and light on malt. Super quafable and light and need to brew again as my keg just evaporated!
Super juicy
The Fosse 30 October 2023 Not entirely sure if my brew was how it was meant to be, but I ended up with a super fruity hazy. A really bright color and lots of really ctitrus flavours. Feels like it wont age well, so I shall drink it quick

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