KIT: Grainfather G30 Advanced Brewery Setup

As low as: $3,549.00

KIT: Grainfather G30 Advanced Brewery Setup

  • Grainfather Conical Fermenter Pro Edition 30L (GF30): Sold Out
  • Grainfather GC4 Glycol Chiller with Glycol: In Stock
  • Grainfather G30v3 + Counterflow Chiller: Sold Out

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As low as: $3,549.00

Price as configured: $3,549.00



The G30v3 Advanced Brewing Setup includes the Grainfather G30v3, the legendary all-grain Brewing System that took the home brewing world by storm. Designed to be advanced enough to please home brewing experts, but simplistic enough to cater for all experience levels. Plus, with the addition of the GF30 Conical Fermenter and GC4 Glycol Chiller, you’ll have a superior fermentation environment to achieve expert brewing results with every beer and the flexibility to control/monitor fermentation from anywhere thanks to built-in wireless control.

Compact and simple to use, with a small footprint for brewing indoors, the G30v3 Advanced Brewing Setup includes superior design, an impressive list of features and the latest technology. There is no limit to the types and styles of beer that can be made, and you’ll be able to brew professional, quality craft beer at home!


Grainfather G30v3 

Grainfather GF30 Conical Fermenter

Grainfather GC4 Glycol Chiller 


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