
  1. Lallemand LalBrew Munich Classic - Wheat Beer Yeast

    Lallemand LalBrew Munich Classic - Wheat Beer Yeast

    Munich Classic is a Bavarian wheat beer strain selected from the Doemens Culture Collection. It imparts the spicy and fruity aroma profile typical of German wheat beer styles. This strain is simple to use over a wide range of recipe variations and fermentation conditions, making it a great choice for a number of traditional styles of wheat beer. A true top-cropping yeast, Munich Classic can be skimmed off the top of classic open fermentation vessels in the traditional manner. Styles brewed with Munich Classic include but are not limited to Weizen/Weissbier, Dunkelweizen and Weizenbock.

    Full product details are available from Lallemand

  2. Lallemand LalBrew Windsor - British-Style Ale Yeast

    Lallemand LalBrew Windsor - British-Style Ale Yeast

    Windsor ale yeast is a true English strain that produces a balanced fruity aroma and imparts a slight fresh yeasty flavor. Beers created with Windsor are usually described as full-bodied, fruity English ales. Brewers choose Windsor to produce beers that range from Pale Ale to Porter with moderate alcohol levels and the flavor and aroma characteristics of the best traditional ales. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Milds, Bitters, Irish Reds, English Brown ales, Porters and Sweet Stouts.

    Full product details are available from Lallemand

  3. Lallemand LalBrew Wit - Belgian Wit-Style Yeast

    Lallemand LalBrew Wit - Belgian Wit-Style Yeast

    LalBrew® Wit yeast is a relatively neutral strain which can be used to produce a wide variety of wheat beer styles. Ester and phenol production is lower than for traditional hefeweizen strains such as Munich Classic. 

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  4. WHC Lab High Voltage Clean Thermotolerant Yeast 11g

    WHC Lab High Voltage Clean Thermotolerant Yeast 11g

    High Voltage Thermotolerant Yeast by WHC Lab is an electrifyingly clean yeast strain that’s set to revolutionise your home brewery’s efficiency. High Voltage thrives at much warmer temperatures than traditional brewing strains, and this has game-changing implications for your home brewery’s efficiency and environmental impact.

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  5. WHC Lab Pineapple Passion Ale Yeast 11g

    WHC Lab Pineapple Passion Ale Yeast 11g

    A new yeast selected for its ability to craft juicy tropical brews with a vibrant pineapple character. This exciting and innovative strain offers key benefits, including high levels of biotransformation, haze stability, and fast fermentation. Ideal for crafting exotic IPAs, let this brew transport your taste buds to a tropical island.

  6. WHC Lab Low Rider mk2 Low ABV Yeast 11g

    WHC Lab Low Rider mk2 Low ABV Yeast 11g

    Popular for lower ABV styles and classic cask alike WHC Lab's Low Rider mk2 is a low attenuating yeast, guaranteed to help your booze cruise in style. It is a yeast species that cannot ferment maltotriose, leaving the attenuation in the mid 60s – depending on the mash temperature and grain bill used. The use of this yeast is focused on table/session styles and non-alcoholic beers.

  7. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast - Empire Ale M15

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast - Empire Ale M15

    A top fermenting ale yeast suitable for a variety of full bodied ales, with exceptional depth. Ferments with full, rich dark fruit flavours.

    Suitable for Scottish Heavy Ales, American Amber Ales, Sweet Stouts and more.

  8. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M41 Belgian Ale (10g)

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast M41 Belgian Ale (10g)

    Spicy and phenolic, this yeast emulates the intensity and complexity of some of the best monastic breweries in Belgium, High attenuation and alcohol tolerance allows you to brew a huge range of Belgian beers. Suitable for Belgian strong golden and Belgian strong dark ales. Attenuation – 82-88% flocculation Best results 18-28°c
  9. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast Mead M05 (10g)

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast Mead M05 (10g)

    A high ester-producing strain conferring fresh, floral esters, especially when fermented cool. This yeast has high alcohol tolerance and ferments well over a wide temperature range. Suitable for all styles of Mead.
  10. Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast - U.S. West Coast M44

    Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Yeast - U.S. West Coast M44

    A top fermenting ale strain suitable for American style ales. This yeast produces an exceptionally clean flavour, ideal for when you want the hop character to really punch through.