raw wheat 1

Gladfield Raw Wheat


In Stock
Gladfield Raw Wheat is available for purchase in increments of 0.01 kg


This is a bulk product - one unit equals 1kg.

Just as malted wheat is crucial to Germany’s wheat beers, unmalted, raw wheat is essential to several Belgian styles. Raw wheat produces beers less sweet and full bodied than those made with malted wheat, making it an excellent choice for the more crisp and refreshing styles.

Witbier, the Belgian version of “white” beer, is likewise made from unmalted wheat (50 percent) and malted barley (along with an occasional addition of oats). Witbiers can be brewed from step infusion or decoction mashes, but long protein rests (45 to 60 minutes) are necessary to allow any lautering at all.

Can be used for baking bread if you have a flour mill!

100% NZ grown wheat.


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