
  1. Edwards Khaloola 50ml

    Edwards Khaloola 50ml

    Extracts of the finest roasted South American Coffee beans provide a rich and warm experience. Try it with cream!

  2. Edwards Kwontro Orange 50ml

    Edwards Kwontro Orange 50ml

    Combining the wonderful balance of sweet orange and bitter peel to create the taste sensation so popular with cocktail lovers. This liqueur also makes a deliciously zesty orange summer aperitif, perfect for sipping beside the pool.

  3. Edwards Lucky Lychee 50ml

    Edwards Lucky Lychee 50ml

    A smooth rich fruity liqueur typical of the Asian region. Great on its own over ice, or mixes very well with other tropical or citrus juices.

  4. Edwards Melon Liqueur 50ml

    Edwards Melon Liqueur 50ml

    This distinctive Melon Liqueur essence creates a refreshing synergy of the rock, honeydew and watermelon.

  5. Edwards Rocky Road Liqueur 50ml

    Edwards Rocky Road Liqueur 50ml

    Fluffy marshmallows, sweet coconut and rich milk chocolate combine together to tingle your tastebuds and give you the ultimate Rocky Road experience.

    Out of Stock
  6. Still Spirits Top Shelf Mango Liqueur

    Still Spirits Top Shelf Mango Liqueur

    The taste of the tropics. Enjoy over ice on a hot day. 

    Add essence and 650ml Alcohol @ 40% to SS Schnapps Base (made up as per Schnapps Base instructions). Alternatively 180ml Sugar and 100ml Liquid Glucose. Top up to 1.125 L with water.

  7. Still Spirits Top Shelf Irish Mint Cream

    Still Spirits Top Shelf Irish Mint Cream

    Whiskey based cream liqueur with a strong mint flavour and a delectable hint of chocolate.
  8. Still Spirits Top Shelf Chocolate Cream

    Still Spirits Top Shelf Chocolate Cream

    Chocoholics will love this full flavoured double chocolate cream Liqueur.
  9. Still Spirits Top Shelf Orange Truffle Irish Cream

    Still Spirits Top Shelf Orange Truffle Irish Cream

    Your famous Irish cream liqueur with a twist. Rich decadent chocolate truffle aromas finished by fresh orange peel notes.
  10. Essencia Coffee Cream Essencia Coffee Cream

    Regular Price: $13.50

    Special Price $12.15

    Essencia Coffee Cream

    Essencia Coffee Cream is indulgent and luxurious, offering a smooth, rich experience with the taste of freshly roasted coffee beans perfectly integrated with creamy, satisfying notes.